Kurse nach Themen

Zwischen der Stufe A2 und der Stufe B1 liegt ein kleiner Schritt, den es zu bewältigen gilt. In diesem Kurs wiederholen und festigen Sie Ihre Kenntnisse aus A2 und starten mit neuen interessanten Themen aus der B1 Welt. Besonderheit: Lernen mit Muße. Das Tempo richtet sich nach den Teilnehmer*innen, inkl. Konversation, Grammatik und landeskundlichen Aspekten auf A2/B1 Niveau.
This course is suitable for those who have finished level B1 or who learnt English at school some time ago and want to brush up their knowledge of the language. We'll do a lot of talking, grammar and exercises. Bring your own ideas too!
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
This course is suitable for those who have finished level B1 or who learnt English at school some time ago and want to brush up their knowledge of the language. We'll do a lot of talking, grammar, exercises. Bring your own ideas too!
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
An afternoon conversation course in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We read interesting texts and practise our speaking skills by discussing them. New faces welcome!
This speakeasy course is ideal for learners who want to speak English but feel their English is not good enough for a conversation course. Try speaking English in a relaxed atmosphere, about everyday things. Come along, bring your ideas, articles and have fun whilst learning.
This speakeasy course is ideal for learners who want to speak English but feel their English is not good enough for a conversation course. Try speaking in a relaxed atmosphere, about everyday things. Come along, bring your ideas, articles and have fun whilst learning.
Für Teilnehmer*innen ohne / mit sehr geringen Vorkenntnissen.
Would you like to refresh your English at B1+ level? We are going to revise and consolidate our grammar and vocabulary while placing a special emphasis on conversation. Come and join us! New members are welcome.
A conversation course for those who have a good knowledge of English and want to keep up this standard. We'll read and discuss newspaper articles, everyday topics and "your" contributions, do a bit of grammar and have fun.
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
Give yourself the chance to apply your knowledge! We like chatting, reading and revising.
As the German saying goes, the theme of our course is "Eile mit Weile", meaning that we take our time. As the English say, "more haste, less speed". We work from the course book but also revise old grammar structures (right back to basic grammar from beginner’s level). We also read and talk about songs and short articles from magazines such as "Spotlight". In addition, we take a look at new themes and grammar but at a relaxed and leisurely pace.
The aim of this course is to speak more fluently and correctly in everyday situations. We're going to deal with more complex grammar and vocabulary and practice understanding spoken and written English. This course will take you from B1 to B1+. Please bring the coursebook on the first day!
Für Teilnehmer*innen ohne / mit sehr geringen Vorkenntnissen.
Far away from being perfect we are aiming high and want to improve our speaking abilities step by step. This course is tailor-made in terms of participants and speaking about current topics as well as revising tricky grammatical issues is our goal.
This conversation course focusses on current affairs and moral issues. Grammar exercises will also be included.
zzgl. 3,- € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
If you are looking for an open and friendly group who come together once a week to speak English and have fun while doing so, then this is the group for you.
If you are looking for an open and friendly group who come together once a week to speak English and have fun while doing so, then this is the group for you. 5-6 years of English is required - new members welcome!
Ideal für alle Lernenden, die ihre Englischkenntnisse in einem kompakten Kurs auffrischen möchten: Wenn Sie früher einmal etwas Englisch gelernt haben, es aber länger nicht angewendet haben, ist dieser Kurs genau richtig für Sie. Wir wiederholen und vertiefen Wortschatz und Grammatik, um anschließend auf Stufe A2 weiterlernen zu können.
Ideal für alle Lernenden, die ihre Englischkenntnisse in einem kompakten Online-Kurs auffrischen möchten: Wenn Sie früher einmal etwas Englisch gelernt haben, es aber länger nicht angewendet haben, ist dieser Kurs genau richtig für Sie. In diesem Kurs wiederholen und vertiefen Sie Wortschatz und Grammatik, um anschließend auf Stufe A2 weiterlernen zu können.
Learn English in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The course includes talking, grammar and vocabulary, but also fun and games!
Für Teilnehmer*innen ohne / mit sehr geringen Vorkenntnissen.
Is there anything nicer than eating good food in the company of lovely people and having a good natter? Not much, I'd say. Let's meet and make sandwiches, scones, cakes and other delicacies typical for a British Afternoon Tea and then sit down and savour everything while chatting the time away. Don't worry about your English proficiency levels - if you enjoy speaking English just come along and have a good afternoon.
For all who feel at home with the English language or maybe want to achieve more fluency. We'll read short stories and all kinds of interesting texts from newspapers and discuss them. Join us, fun is guaranteed!
Join our hands-on workshop to create fresh, homemade Vietnamese Summer Rolls from scratch and also sharpen your English culinary vocabulary.
Is there anything nicer than eating good food in the company of lovely people and having a good natter? Not much, I'd say. Let's meet and make sandwiches, scones, cakes and other delicacies typical for a British Afternoon Tea and then sit down and savour everything while chatting the time away. Don't worry about your English proficiency levels - if you enjoy speaking English just come along and have a good afternoon.