Kurse nach Themen
This course is suitable for those who have finished level B1 or who learnt English at school some time ago and want to brush up their knowledge of the language. We'll do a lot of talking, grammar and exercises. Bring your own ideas too!
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
This course is suitable for those who have finished level B1 or who learnt English at school some time ago and want to brush up their knowledge of the language. We'll do a lot of talking, grammar, exercises. Bring your own ideas too!
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
An afternoon conversation course in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We read interesting texts and practise our speaking skills by discussing them. New faces welcome!
This speakeasy course is ideal for learners who want to speak English but feel their English is not good enough for a conversation course. Try speaking English in a relaxed atmosphere, about everyday things. Come along, bring your ideas, articles and have fun whilst learning.
This speakeasy course is ideal for learners who want to speak English but feel their English is not good enough for a conversation course. Try speaking in a relaxed atmosphere, about everyday things. Come along, bring your ideas, articles and have fun whilst learning.
For all who feel at home with the English language or maybe want to achieve more fluency. We'll read short stories and all kinds of interesting texts from newspapers and discuss them. Join us, fun is guaranteed!
Would you like to refresh your English at B1+ level? We are going to revise and consolidate our grammar and vocabulary while placing a special emphasis on conversation. Come and join us! New members are welcome. The book, if desired by the class, will be decided on in class.
A conversation course for those who have a good knowledge of English and want to keep up this standard. We'll read and discuss newspaper articles, everyday topics and "your" contributions, do a bit of grammar and have fun.
zzgl. 3,00 € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
Give yourself the chance to apply your knowledge! We like chatting, reading and revising.
As the German saying goes, the theme of our course is "Eile mit Weile", meaning that we take our time. As the English say, "more haste, less speed". We work from the course book but also revise old grammar structures (right back to basic grammar from beginner’s level). We also read and talk about songs and short articles from magazines such as "Spotlight". In addition, we take a look at new themes and grammar but at a relaxed and leisurely pace.
The aim of this course is to speak more fluently and correctly in everyday situations. We're going to deal with more complex grammar and vocabulary and practice understanding spoken and written English. Please bring the coursebook on the first day!
This conversation course focusses on current affairs and moral issues. Grammar exercises will also be included.
zzgl. 3,- € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
If you are looking for an open and friendly group who come together once a week to speak English and have fun while doing so, then this is the group for you.
If you are looking for an open and friendly group who come together once a week to speak English and have fun while doing so, then this is the group for you. 5-6 years of English is required - new members welcome!
Learn English in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The course includes talking, grammar and vocabulary, but also fun and games!
This course gives you the chance to reinforce the B1+/-B2 level we were aiming at during the last semester.
Der viktorianische Horror-Klassiker „Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde“ von Robert Louis Stevenson kommt am 31. Oktober 2024 als multimediales Projektionskunsttheater der MediaBühne Hamburg ins Stadttheater Fürth. In diesem Workshop betrachten wir den literarischen und geschichtlichen Hintergrund des Stücks, verfolgen das Motiv des Doppelgängers in verschiedenen Kunstformen und setzen uns mit Stevensons Gesellschaftskritik auseinander. Außerdem stimmen wir uns ein auf die besondere Art der Inszenierung, die „ein schillerndes Panoptikum zwischen Theater-Kino, Live-Synchronisation und inszenierter Lesung mit Trickfilmen“ verspricht.
With the help of a book we revise grammatical structures and functional language. By adding current topics we lay the focus on speaking. Our lessons are tailor-made and have the individual progress in mind. We are always open for new participants.
In diesem Workshop haben Sie die Gelegenheit, auf leichtem bis mittlerem Sprachniveau Ihr Fachenglisch zu verbessern und gezielt Vokabeln aufzubauen. Inhalte: - Telefongespräche mit der Praxis / mit Patient*innen - Informationen geben - Gespräche an der Rezeption / persönliche Daten, Beschwerden -Fragen stellen und beantworten, z. B. Wartezeit, Wegbeschreibung - Behandlungsmaßnahmen kurz beschreiben, Notwendigkeit, Schritte - Anleitung von Patient*innen Im Kurs wird neben Deutsch auch Englisch gesprochen. Basiskenntnisse Englisch werden vorausgesetzt.
zzgl. 9,- € Materialgeld (im Kurs zu zahlen)
Am 19. Januar liest der einzigartige Schauspieler und Sprecher Rufus Beck aus Mark Twains satirischem Reisebericht „Bummel durch Europa“ im Stadttheater Fürth. In diesem Workshop betrachten wir Mark Twains Buch in seinem literarischen und geschichtlichen Kontext, sprechen über die zeitgenössische Darstellung des „typischen“ amerikanischen Touristen und über Mark Twains respektlose und doch treffende Karikierung der verschiedenen Kulturen, die im Abschnitt „Die schreckliche deutsche Sprache“ ihren Höhepunkt findet.
Jane Austens Roman „Stolz und Vorurteil“ wird bis heute von vielen Menschen als Lieblingsbuch genannt. Zahlreiche und immer neue Bearbeitungen des Stoffs zeugen von dessen anhaltender Beliebtheit. Die Komödie am Kurfürstendamm Berlin bringt am 21. und 22. Januar 2025 ihre Inszenierung von „Stolz und Vorurteil* oder so“ ins Stadttheater Fürth. In diesem Workshop befassen wir uns sowohl mit dem geschichtlichen und literarischen Hintergrund und der Nachwirkung von Jane Austens Romanvorlage als auch mit Isobel McArthurs Theaterversion, die „Stolz und Vorurteil“ in eine schrille Pop-Komödie mit feministischem Duktus verwandelt hat.
On 20 February 2025, the play "The Greats Gatsby", based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, will be performed at the Stadttheater Fürth. TNT Theatre Britain in cooperation withThe American Drama Group Europe will be presenting the production in English. In this workshop we will have a closer look at F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic novel and its story of wealth, obsession, the Jazz age and the failure of the American dream. We will touch on themes like class, gender and identity, endeavouring to evaluate the novel’s impact over the last 100 years.